Monday, March 20, 2006

A Sweet Lullaby

God blessed me immensely last night. In service, I was praying with my eyes closed, but if I opened them, I would have expected God to be there, embracing me in His arms. His nearness was so real that I could feel the gentle swaying as if He was saying, "Shh child, it’s okay." It was an assurance that God knows what I am going to face and what I need in order to be prepared for a blessing coming my way. It was an affirmation of His mighty power and grace. It was a confirmation of His love. The embrace was not so much a reprimand as it was a sooth calming. It was His gentle way of slowing me down. The best way for me to describe it would be to call it a lullaby.

An old friend of my parents has often advised my sister and myself that God sometimes wants us to sit and be still. This allows us to hear what God is saying so that He can direct us where He wants us to go. I can’t say that I never understood this concept, but it was never as powerful as I felt last night. God sat me down, gently. He was so gentle that I felt I was sitting on His lap as a child would do with their parent. I felt safe, secure and loved.

Sometimes, the best thing to do is to sit and be still. This allows God to step in and "sway" us in the direction we need to go. God sometimes needs His "me" time with us as we often do with Him. He shouldn’t have to command "quality time" from us, but because He loves us, He will.

1 comment:

Mark Pryor said...

There is something about those sweet times that is interesting to think we get everything out of them that we should? Or do we get caught up in the spirit, but never ask the Lord for heavenly vision?

I believe that God is so in love with us that He desires to work things into us and out of us. Many times He does this without even speaking a word, He just begins to change our mind, our attitude, our outlook and the things we used to love we start to hate and the things we used to hate we begin to love.

All of this begs the question: What is it that God is changing that I wasn't even aware had changed? What do I think differently about now than I did a year ago? What is it that God is changing my mind on?

All of these are things I ask myself from time to time to stay on track with what God is doing in my life.