Friday, August 31, 2007

Anthony's First Day of School

Well, we made it through the first day with ease. I was more nervous than Anthony. He is comfortable in new environments. With his sociable personality and desire to meet new people, he got along just fine. I was impressed by his teacher. She is very organized and disciplined. Just what Anthony needs. From what I have come to learn, our most valuable weapon as parents (outside of God) is our consistency. Anthony knows I love him when I discipline him because I am consistent and kept to my word. If I act out of anger and punish him, he tends to fear me instead of respect me. Anthony needs to know which way the ball is going to fall, whether he is going to be reprimanded or loved. To have a disciplined teacher, is an answer to prayer, because God knew just what my son needed.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Praise '07 at the Park

On Oct. 6th, we are scheduled to have Praise ‘07 at the Park. We are taking our church services to the park in an effort to reach out to the community. If they are unable to come to us, then we will come to them.

Here is a glimpse of what God can do with our efforts. It doesn’t have to just be another service, but it could be a day that all the angels in heaven rejoice!

Back to School

Today is Anthony's first day back to school. Until Sunday, I was not ready for him to go back to school. I truly enjoyed our summer time together and wasn't ready to end. Come Monday, he practically talked my ear off. That's when I realized, even if I am not ready, he definitely is.

So, today we are off to meet his first grade teacher, Mrs. Jennings. As every mother probably is when their kids go off, I have a mix of emotions. Anxiousness, nervousness, excitement are all rolled up into me right now. A part of me wants the time to stop and the other part wants to jump until the end of the day so that I can find out how school went for him.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Today, I found the nerve to Google myself. I hear people everywhere talking about they are going to Google someone or they've been Googled, but I never had the urge to check on myself. It was kind of eerie to see my name pop up. Eerie and exciting at the same time. I found people with my first name and one person with my same exact first and middle name. Who would have thought! My name is no where near common. Fortunately, there weren't too many people who shared my name. I take pleasure in having a unique name. Especially since I was named after my dad, or at least he said I was named after him. Something to think about, hmmm!

Monday, August 27, 2007


Last night we had some Back-2-School teachings from Bro Art and Bro Frank. It was great. Bro Frank read over some startling statistics that was quite compelling. Bro Art said that teaching is when knowledge and tools are provided. Preaching is when we are inspired. Well, there was some preaching last night!

We were taught some information on presenting ourselves to those of the world and how our light shines brightly to all, teachers, fellow students, other parents, etc. How we act outside of church directly represents our God. We also were provided some startling statistics that would make you squirm. These statistics alone are a very good reason why we must pray for our children. As parents, we must teach and practice prayer in the home. It’s not just a church thing!


How we act, directly shows our PRIDE or lack of it. We can PRIDEfully be a bright shining light set on top of a hill or through our embarrassment we can hide our light so that no man can see. When we are embarrassed of our lifestyle, living for God becomes more of a chore than a privilege.

Do you have PRIDE? What does PRIDE mean to you?

Prayer Raises It’s Demands Everywhere
Prayerfully Releasing the Inflicted with Daily Expectancy
Providing Restoration In Daily Expectancy
Prayerfully Restoring Individuals with Daily Expectancy
Power Restoration Infilling Deliverance Expectancy (through the Power of the Holy Ghost, there is restoration through the infilling and deliverance through our expectancy.)

I am sure there are many more things I could put together, but I would love to see what you could come up with.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Riding a Bike

Anthony learned how to ride his bike today without the training wheels. We went out early this morning before the scorching heat and got him started. I was so excited. Even the people at the park we cheering him on. It feels so good to see my child accomplish something new.