Saturday, December 30, 2006

Reflection: Year "2-Thousand & 6"

It is the end of the year now with only two more days until the New Year. I know that time doesn't change, but the year has sped by with lightening speed. If they [years] keep speeding by like this, before I know it I will be old. Yeah Right! LOL. Any ways, after taking some time to reflect over the past year, I cannot say that my year began good or bad. I can say that with everything I have learned, the year will forever remain unforgettable. There are two things I have learned that I would like to share:

  1. Fall madly in love with God. Each step in our spiritual walk creates a deeper love in our relationship with God. His love for us doesn't change, but our love for Him does. He knows us inside out whereas we learn more and more about Him. Look at your walk with God like a relationship. You meet Him, you date Him (We even get the courting!), you hook up in holy matrimony and spend a lifetime getting to know Him. Guess what ladies? He is the perfect husband. He loves strong. He is passionate about us and our children. He gives us His undivided attention. He is forgiving and merciful. He gives the perfect gifts every time and He is an excellent listener. I would like to say that I've got so much game that I found such a wonderful man, but in all honesty, He found me just like He will find you (if He already hasn't). What can I say, when He found me I couldn't resist! =)
  2. You can never out-give God. Give Him all you've got and give it with joy. Because what He will give back to you could pass any dream you have ever dreamt, any treasure you have ever sought or any goal you have ever set. Dream bigger because that's what He wants for you. Think wider because He didn't put limits to what we can accomplish. Give more because He will give better.


Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Heartbeat of God

God was in the house last night. I once asked myself if we can talk too much about "how powerful" a service is or how many times that "God moved mightily in our service". Having come from "the world" into a place that is "not of this world", I didn't really understand how God is everywhere and is always moving. We can't avoid Him and we can't hide from Him. He is here at all times which is why it is not unbelievable to always have a move of God. It is almost like we are swaddled up in a blanket and being carried on the bosom of God.

Last night, during our song service (well, during the one song we were able to play since God did move so powerfully), there was a moment when the keyboard was silent, the guitar was silent and it was only the singers and the drummer. To me, it felt like I was hearing the heartbeat of God. With each hit of the drum and the words of the music "You Are Awesome in This Place Mighty God" it was as if the world was still and God "was" moving. He was breathing on us while we were living on Him. Nothing really mattered because we were having life pumped into us as the Holy Spirit ran through our veins.

So, the only word I could use to accurately describe the service last night is "powerful". There is nothing more powerful than being next to the heartbeat of God. There is nothing like it. There is comfort next to The Heartbeat. There is assurance next to The Heartbeat. There is peace next to The Heartbeat. There is power next to The Heartbeat and there is life.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas Time

Here is a pic of my wonderful son Anthony, my beautiful niece Laila and their mommies during Christmas Time in '05.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Microwave OverKill

You know, there are some days that the clock just won't stop ticking and there are days when it completely stops. Yesterday, as I was warming up my tea (to tackle this sore throat issue I've had for a few days), my microwave died. I couldn't believe it! You never know how dependent you are on technology until you no longer have it. For me, a person who doesn't like to be in the kitchen and doesn't really like to cook but is learning because I one day want to please my future husband with my culinary art skills, could not handle this loss. I wanted to learn some good old fashion cooking, not learn how to do it the old fashion the oven. Call me young, but this is a little too ol' skool for me. I need instant. I need a MICROWAVE!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Secret Sister Revealing

We had our Secret Sister revealing tonight. I had a wonderful time eating, playing games and determining where my mental state is =). Sister Bernice hooked it up with the cooking and the enchiladas were excellent. Sister Sabrina ended up being my Secret Sister. Thanks to my Secret Sister, I got my very first coffee pot, can of coffee, filters and my very own coffee mug. I guess I am no longer considered a beginner, but I think I have graduated to the intermediate class of coffee drinkers.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Is it Worth the Risk?

I received an article today called The Changing Workplace. It talks about the changing culture of workplaces today. I am blogging about this not just because I would love to work for a place like this, but because this concept clearly says RISK. The risk outlined in this article that was taken by Best Buy has helped to keep them at the top of their competition.

I began to think about a conversation I had a few days ago about risk. The comment was made that some are more willing to take risk than others. Is it necessarily bad because the risk they took would not have been taken by another? When we see someone take the risk that we would consider stupid or dangerous, could it possibly be that we are afraid of taking risk ourselves? Really, how much risk are we willing to take?

I'm not a risk taker, but when I was younger I did some pretty stupid things. I was so willing to take the risk that the danger didn't matter. My mind was so captivated by the appeal of the task ahead that risk wasn't even a recognizable word in my vocabulary. Risk was simply seen as just living life. Now, there are some things that I would not do if I would have put some thought into it, but its that dare-devil that I need to reach back and get a hold of. I want to achieve growth, but yet when the growth requires risk, the appeal of achieving that growth kind of fizzles down. How can I ever do better if I never try to see if I can do better?

In Best Buy's case, the risk was worth it. When it means millions of dollars, or rather millions of souls, is it worth the risk?

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Thank You Cards

We distributed most of Anthony's fundraiser items to the rightful owners today. Anthony wrote out some thank you cards (with the help of mommy) and attached them with the items. Even though the words were not quite ledgible on two of the cards and he wrote his name on the front of the other card instead of in the inside, it was still perfect. There is so much power in a thank you, especially from a loveable young man like my son. It was a blessing to see the smiles on the faces of the receivers. Sometimes, just a simple thank you is enough to brighten the day and the return smile is an awesome "You're Welcome."

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Rat Alert

Okay, I could make this the official home of the "I hate rats" club. I was sitting down all ready to blog just as I heard running on the roof and then clawing on the side of the house. Talk about losing all concentration. I can't even tell you what I was about to write because my hair is too busy sticking up on my arms. I pray that it was a cat because I cannot handle the rats anymore. Yuck!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Am I In-Love?

I read this blog today, Why I Think God is Amazing, and couldn’t help but question, am I in love with God? Can you really fall in love with God? There have been times when I think of God more as a parent than as a partner. Yet, there have been times when I think of Him as my soul mate instead of an elder. Although, I fear Him, I love Him and there are days when I lose my breath thinking about life without Him. There were times when I would get upset with Him (unrightfully so), but every time that I would ask for forgiveness, He forgave me. I had tried hard to make this relationship work only to find out that 100% of the time it was my fault. LOL. Past my immediate family, I have never fallen in love before because all I experienced was infatuation (took some aging to realize this). I don’t know what love feels like. But I get butterflies in my stomach thinking about Him, my heart skips a beat when I seek Him, and I can’t help but smile when I’m near Him. It makes me wonder, have I fallen in love?