Saturday, December 30, 2006

Reflection: Year "2-Thousand & 6"

It is the end of the year now with only two more days until the New Year. I know that time doesn't change, but the year has sped by with lightening speed. If they [years] keep speeding by like this, before I know it I will be old. Yeah Right! LOL. Any ways, after taking some time to reflect over the past year, I cannot say that my year began good or bad. I can say that with everything I have learned, the year will forever remain unforgettable. There are two things I have learned that I would like to share:

  1. Fall madly in love with God. Each step in our spiritual walk creates a deeper love in our relationship with God. His love for us doesn't change, but our love for Him does. He knows us inside out whereas we learn more and more about Him. Look at your walk with God like a relationship. You meet Him, you date Him (We even get the courting!), you hook up in holy matrimony and spend a lifetime getting to know Him. Guess what ladies? He is the perfect husband. He loves strong. He is passionate about us and our children. He gives us His undivided attention. He is forgiving and merciful. He gives the perfect gifts every time and He is an excellent listener. I would like to say that I've got so much game that I found such a wonderful man, but in all honesty, He found me just like He will find you (if He already hasn't). What can I say, when He found me I couldn't resist! =)
  2. You can never out-give God. Give Him all you've got and give it with joy. Because what He will give back to you could pass any dream you have ever dreamt, any treasure you have ever sought or any goal you have ever set. Dream bigger because that's what He wants for you. Think wider because He didn't put limits to what we can accomplish. Give more because He will give better.


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