Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The "Philana" Zone

As I was praying this morning, I believe I received what we would call "a check in the Spirit." For the last couple of days, the thought of collaboration would not leave my mind. There was something I was not quite catching on to. So, I decided to wait it out, as usual. That’s when the light came on. I realized that my biggest comfort, which I have made to be a tendency, is waiting it out. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard a message preached about faith without works is dead. It must have landed on deaf ears. Ha! Ha!

Seriously, until I sat down and wrote my last couple of entries, I didn’t realize what I was feeling, let alone what needed to be done. All I understood was that sometimes I felt a disconnection. I would pray about it, thank God for what I have and kept going. But that was the problem. It’s not the faith, not the thanks, but the lack of work. In essence, I only moved a few feet from where I last stood. Don’t get me wrong, my walk has matured greatly in those last steps, but I’m far from the check point. I was learning to the extent that I thought I could be taught, but there is so much more God is trying to show, if I am willing. And I am willing. I want to win the race and I want to drag everyone I know (and those I don’t know) along with me. How do I do that?

I stay in a learning experience. If I want to live to learn, I better start getting out of the "Philana" zone. I have a lot of work to do! First of all, I need to step out of the comfort zone. Instead of waiting for God to give me the epiphany, I need to get to work and trust that He will direct me in the way I should go or at least let me know when I have it all wrong. I know it is not that simple, but in reality it will get me a lot further than where I am now.

Secondly, I need to make a list of those things I would like to see happen in my personal life as well as in church. As I have heard many times before, we need to see what we are trying to accomplish. The list will remind me of the goals I have set. The scope of the goal may change over time, but as it changes I need to revisit my list and change it accordingly.

Thirdly, stay open to the tunes being played by those around me. What are the vibes being transmitted by others? Do I need to adjust my station in order to catch on to the frequency?

I thank God for not hitting me on the head too hard with this revelation. Yes, it is a revelation because beyond the cosmetic layer, I never understood how "works" applied to me. It’s too easy to apply what we want to hear with where we want it to go. By doing this, I can show the faith but I am neglecting to do the work. Fortunately, God is sending me through a purification process so that I can be prepared to move to where He wants me to be.

1 comment:

Mark Pryor said...

Wow...powerful post. A part of me kept going back to some of the discussion at Starbucks the last C2C. I think the list will bring direction and clarity. Sounds great.