Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Humbling Experiences

This morning as I began to read Dr. Leonard Sweet’s leadership book, Summoned to Lead, I began to think about a concept he noted from author Jim Collins. “It is the intentionally humble and quiet leaders who truly do make a difference. Humility can win out over more powerful organizational forces.” I do believe that some of the greatest leaders were the most humbled leaders. These are the leaders I believe lead out of respect and not out of fear. The type of leader you want to do your best for, instead of being afraid of if you fail. I don’t necessarily believe that we start from humble beginnings, but I believe that from humbling experiences we are put into the position to be used by God. God is not going to use a prideful vessel. Pride is hard to break and can be a spiritually breaking device. It can be disruptive and destructive. Some of our greatest biblical leaders, like Moses, David and even Esther, were put through humbling experiences in order to be used by God.

So when I go into work tomorrow and make a mistake (because mistakes are guaranteed), instead of getting angry with myself for not being perfect, I am going to thank God for providing me with humbling experiences. Without them, I would never learn. Without them I would never grow. Without them I would never be put in a position to be used by God.

1 comment:

Mark Pryor said...

Powerful point. I have found that those who are allowed the privilege of climbing the HIGHEST are those who have first descended the LOWEST. It is a spiritual principle that the way UP is DOWN!