Monday, March 13, 2006

Living to Learn

My sister, a college grad, recently vented to me that she felt her college experience to be a waste. Her exact words “college does not prepare you for the real world, it’s a way for people to make money.” This was a very surprising statement coming from someone who persistently pushes her little sister (me) to finish her college degree. I would have agreed with her a few years ago, when I felt like a failure for not following through with my plans, but today I see it differently.
Everything that we do, everywhere that we go can produce a learning experience. School provides an opportunity to expand on concepts. Work is an opportunity to expand on skills. Church is an opportunity to expand on our walk with God. In every aspect of our lives, we have the opportunity to learn.

Prior to going in before the King, Esther and the maidens had to go through a twelve-month purification process. I don’t believe that purification is an easy process. If it were that easy, then all the bad habits we have formed in our lives would be easy to break. In order for you to understand that you need purifying, you must have learned that something was dirty.

To further build upon what I mentioned in my previous entry, I have learned that there is something that is not necessarily dirty, but a little convoluted. When there is something that is stifling the partnership then it needs to go through the purification process. What can we change today that may not work tomorrow? What are we doing right that we can continue to improve upon today? We cannot stand still while the world passes us by, so we must remain in constant learning mode. It’s a learning process that I have realized has my mind in swirls. There is so much I have learned and so little I know. Opportunities are endless as long as I live my life to learn.

1 comment:

Mark Pryor said...

Reading this paragraph "What can we change today that may not work tomorrow? What are we doing right that we can continue to improve upon today? We cannot stand still while the world passes us by, so we must remain in constant learning mode. It’s a learning process that I have realized has my mind in swirls." My mind did a play on words with your title...When you are living to learn, you learn to live. Could it be that much of the reason why people miss living the abundant life that John 10:10 talks about is because they quit learning and find themselves stuck in tunnel vision?