Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I was speaking to a friend this morning about the wonderful changes that God has made in her life. She told me that what she was hesitant about before, she has learned to trust God with now. It has been a long travel, but rewarding. I would have never thought this about because for years I’ve only ever seen her as what she was trying to become. It was almost like God saw her efforts and illuminated them from the outside in. He had shown the outsiders what he was creating before she understood the change that had taken place within her. God was working things (belief) in while moving things (unbelief) out.

1 comment:

Mark Pryor said...

That is so true, many times others see what we are in the process of becoming and when others talk to us about certain things we are perplexed because we know that we are not that way...but they see something in us that we don't see yet.