Saturday, January 13, 2007

What is a BLOG?

When I talk about my church, I always mention about the blogs and how guests can go on and learn a little about who we are. But everytime without fail, I am asked "What is a Blog" and everytime I get stuck. I tell them that it is kind of like an online journal that others can read, but I do not have the exact definition.

Do you know what a blog is? Well, according to Dictionary. com a blog is a weblog (web log) or a shared on-line journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experiences and hobbies. Now when I am asked the question I can give an edumucated response. =)

You may also see it used in this form:
& the one I like the most...
blogosphere <-- (this one comes from my Pastor) =)


Mark Pryor said...

Another thing to remember in the blogosphere is that each post is simply that, a post...not a blog. The blog is the entirety of your "web log" and the post is what you do each time you add to it. :-)

Ah, technology changes everything even our terminology. :-) And just thing we haven't even started our new v-log "Leadershift" yet. I have no doubt that this will add even another dimension to things.

Mark Pryor said...

BTW great post Philana.