Saturday, January 20, 2007

Family Night - January '07

Just now calming down from our first family night. I had an incredible time with everyone who attended. Thanks to Bro. Allard's tip on tightening the shoelaces at the tip of the skate, I didn't fall once and I actually skated with ease. (I only had one scare this time, but I prevailed!) Anthony loved it and by the time our session was ending, I couldn't get him off the ice.

This was "da bomb" way of starting out the new year and I am looking forward to our next family night with My AWESOME Church, the Pentecostals of OC.


Mark Pryor said...

I agree, it was gr8 watchin' everybody and hanging out.

Anthony was doing gr8 out there.

Philana Jones said...

I think I had a harder time getting Anthony off the ice than on it! =) He loved it.