Monday, April 17, 2006


For a short period of time, I gave up my favorite candy, Hot Tamales. For all of those who know me, this was a big commitment. It was worthwhile, but I was definitely hurting. Nothing could replace the craving I had for these candies. I began to eat other candy in the attempt to fulfill that craving, but absolutely nothing satisfied me. So when the day came that I fulfilled my commitment, I popped one of those delicious mouth-watering candies into my mouth and the boiling craving began to simmer. After I completed my first box, I was feeling quite good.

Isn’t this how it is with God? When we are away from him, we try to fulfill the cravings with other things. We may even pick up a few bad habits along the way. But, nothing can satisfy that craving until we get a dose of Jesus. Once we try Him, we can’t get enough. (God is not bad for your teeth, so you can fill up as much as you’d like.)

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