Sunday, October 22, 2006


As I sit here and recover from my sickness, I reflect back on where I was a year ago. Do you know, last year I got sick 15 times. Each time required me to pay a $20 copay in addition to the cost of my medication. Often times, I walked away spending $100 per visit after the office visit and medication. When you get sick twice in one month, $100 is a lot. That is a lot period!

Last year I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Osteopenia, Anemia, overactive thyriod, and after all these years I became allergic to penicilin. It seemed like almost everything I ate or touched gave me an allergic reaction. On top of this, I was told that I would need surgery for my cystic fibrosis. If you don't know what all this means, don't worry. All you need to know is that it is as bad as it sounds. As you can imagine, it was a tough year for Anthony and myself.

I sit hear tonight, beaten up by this sickness I have been battling but I am blessed because I already received a healing. I have not gone back for testing on any of these things except for the overactive thyroid, but I have been healed. Actually, I joke that I have been overhealed.

Fibromyalgia is when you have pain in your muscles. It also affects your thinking. There was a point in time last year when I didn't want to be touched because it hurt too bad. I didn't want to be prayed for because that would require for me to be touched which woud cause horrible shooting pain that would radiate through my entire body. I no longer have the pain and haven't had it for months. Fibromyalgia goes in cycles, but it has been over 6 months since I have had any pain. I am healed.

Osteopenia is a form of Osteoperosis. It is a lack of calcium in the bones. I was one point away from having Osteoperosis. Last year, by bones would hurt and it was hard for me to heal after the accident I had a year before. My bones no longer hurt. And trust me, you know when your bones hurt. It's worse than the pain in the muscles because there really isn't any medication that can help elivate the pain. I am healed.

Anemia is when you lack iron in your blood. I almost killed Granny, Anthony and myself last year because I passed out while driving and stopped in the middle of an intersection after church one night. The low iron level would make me dizzy and I would pass out just as quickly as you are reading this. Also, I got cold really easy. I never left without a jacket and always wore boots. I would get cold on a summer night. I could never sleep with a fan running or I would get sick. I believe God overhealed me on this one. I kid you not, but I get serious hot flashes. I am only 27. I should not be getting hot flashes. I can even ride in the same car as Sis Sabrina who must have the cold air going at all times since she is hot blooded. She even admitted I was healed on this one because I asked her to turn the air on the other day.

I can't remember the symptoms of the overactive thryoid and although I don't think I am allergic to penicillin, my doctor still won't give me penicillin (which is why this sickness won't go away). As far as the cystic fibrosis, I can't really explain but this one scared me more than the rest because it required surgery. Let's just say, I don't need surgery and I am normal again. Thank you Jesus.

Sometimes I need to remind myself of the miraculous healing that God has done in my life. Especially during a time like this when I am sick, it appears to be getting better although I am feeling worse in the process. God has healed me!!! Not just once, but in 7 different ways. Six were physical healings and the 7th was a spiritual healing. How could I not believe in God's healing power when I've only been sick 3 times this year!

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