Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Going Against the Grain

For some reason, yesterday at work, the look of my nails began to bother me. So I pulled out my nail filer and began to manicure my nails. One side of the filer, files down the nail to shape it in the desired look. The other side smoothes the nail and gives it the finishing look. Today as I was in the car, I began to picture the nail filer and how it relates to spiritual growth. God, The Mega Nail Filer, goes against our grain to shape and mold, to file down the unnecessary and excess growth that only hinders our progress. He then takes this shaped product and applies the finishing touch.

Today praying in the car, God rebuked my thoughts. I thought I was doing something wrong, which is why things are not going right. It was almost like I was pleading with God to tell me what else I need to change in order to see progress. I couldn’t help but think that I was doing something wrong and that change would actually produce results. How totally wrong! Really fast, God shut those thoughts down. Change does produce results, but God showed me that you don’t have to be doing anything wrong when things stop going right. You could be in His perfect will and have everything stripped away (like Job in the Bible). But are you strong enough to withstand the fire? Are you strong enough to endure the period of filing?

When I was panicking because I thought I was doing something wrong, God was saying that progress is taking place. He is going against my grain, so that He can use me. In order to be used He must manicure me into the style that He fills is becoming on me. To look at this another way, He has taken me into the key store and is having me shaped into the key I need to be in order to unlock the door. The door is in front of me, but I cannot unlock the door if I, the Key, do not fit in the keyhole. Basically, God is making me into the person He has decided I need to be in order to reach out in the way He wants me to reach out. God has given us each different gifts. Where one excels at praying through at the altar, another stinks. Where one excels at witnessing to people on the street, another freezes up. My key does not always fit in another’s door and vice versa. My manicured style may not be a becoming style on another person’s hand, but it works for me.

But you know the wonderful thing about being filed down? Eventually we are finished. The rugged edges are smoothed out and eventually a well-manicured fingernail is presented or a perfectly fitted key is made and opens the door to progress. God is not always going against our grain even though this act will be repeated throughout our lives. Eventually, we are in the right size and shape and are just right for that time.

God is always in control and when we get out of control He will get out the filer and start filing down again. But we don’t have to be out of control when God decides to start filing. We may be in His perfect will when he decides to make a change in us. My desire is to be used of God, but how can he use me if I am out of shape? So, my prayer changed this morning. Instead of pleading with God to show me what I am doing wrong (which he did because my thoughts were all wrong) I began asking God to help me accept this change, to remain in His perfect will even when it goes against my grain, to bless my efforts with souls (because He will supply my needs), to strip away whatever is in my way and to shape me to fit where He wants me to fit. This is now my desire.

1 comment:

Mark Pryor said...

A powerful post that totally correlates with our earlier discussion.