Friday, September 22, 2006


I just came back from a Back to School revival service at Bro. David’s church in Colton. After an hour and 45 minute drive, I finally arrived there just in time for the preaching. The moment Bro McDaniel (the guest speaker for the service) began to preach I realized that there seems to be a centralized theme in all of the Back to School Rally’s I have been to in the past couple of weeks. The theme has been about taking the gospel to the whole world, reaching outside of the four walls of the church.

I went on the web site today and saw on the header “The Whole Gospel to the Whole World by the Whole Church”. Bro Rutledge who was down here from Alexandria, LA preached about getting out of the factory and into the delivery truck, sharing the Bread of Life with others. Bro McDaniel, who spoke tonight, talked about letting God in so that you can take God out to others.

As Bro McDaniel said tonight, the devil is okay with us containing The Word inside of the church. The devil is saying go ahead and live this life so long as we don’t share it with others. He wants us like a contained fire, under control, of little threat. But we should not be as a contained fire, but a wildfire, spreading the word. He is absolutely correct. The devil seeks to devour because his destiny is already determined. We need to devour that which seeks to devour us. Spread the Word. The more wild and out of control we become, the more threatened and defeated the devil is. Like Bro Rutledge said in his “Divine Rythm” sermon, the world has no pride, therefore we need not have pride when it comes down to sharing the Word with them.

As I was driving home tonight, the word “Distinguished” kept popping up in my head. A distinguished fire is not a fire, but a charred place that was once aflame. Has your fire gone out, has it been distinguished by the trial or maybe contained by the circumstances? Did you try to make a difference in another’s life or were you simply satisfied with the difference that was made in you. Are you distinguished or are you aflame???

1 comment:

Mark Pryor said...

Philana, I agree this is the centralized them of every one of the Back To School Rally's lately. One thing I have noticed is that there is usually a centralized theme concerning what God is speaking to the Church on any given day...the "Big Idea" if you please. And I believe that the "Big Idea" that God is sharing with the Church as a whole...but the Church in OC in particular is that the harvest is not in the house, but in the field and it is our responsibility to get outside of these four walls.