Monday, May 14, 2007


I remember the times when I was young and could talk for hours on the phone. I still can, but life doesn't permit such leisure at times. I can remember in high school how I use to see my friend Jessie everyday in class, we'd have lunch together and then call each other every night and talk for hours. When people would ask how we would find so much to talk about, I would say "Everyday brings something new. There is always something to talk about. This is a benefit of having a friend."

Though I said that when I was ~14 years old, I still agree with that today. There are times when I get off the phone with a friend and I have a Kool-Aid smile and just feel good. I think about what was discussed during our conversation and realize that I did nothing I set out to accomplish, but I surely felt good doing it. There are times when I just needed a friend. I didn't need to talk, just the unspoken words of strength and understanding. Friends are priceless. Priceless indeed!


Anonymous said...

I agree with you not enough time in the day to talk like we use to. Thank you for your call the other day to check up on me. One day we will have the time to get together.
Love you

bernice rios said...

You are a awesonme friend. I love to talk to you and talk about anything we need too. Keep up the good work.