Monday, July 17, 2006

What Have You Done for Me Lately?

I can only classify yesterday as "Unforgettable". The title that I have used came to mind during the morning preaching. Pastor Pryor taught on commitment. It was one of those sermons where the finger is not pointed at you but you couldn’t help but feel like it was directly meant for you. I know I am not the only one, which is why I can freely say this, but the sermon was one of those were you can hardly breathe because you know in some way that you have not followed through, you have not committed where you should have.

I couldn’t help but think how uncommitted this world really is. I know there is war going on between religious sects across the seas and we think it is ridiculous to be so committed to the point where you are blinded from any sanity and reasoning. Well I give those religious sects one thing, they are committed to their cause, no matter how silly we think that cause might be.

It made me think, are we as Americans laughing so hard because of our own fear of commitment? The average time for someone to be in one job is 2 years. I know from experience that when I went to work for my current company, it amazed me to find people who had been working here for more than two years. I was so use to people just getting up and going when they no longer liked it. The employers as well. We see lay-off after lay-off only for the position to be reopened after one year. Do they or do they not need the help?

The divorce rate has gone up, kids are even divorcing their parents. The percentage of single parents has increased, not just from divorced situations, but for kids born out of wedlock. Children are wanted, just not when a marriage is involved. Where is the commitment?

I am definitely guilty for having commitment issues. Because as I was hearing the sermon, the phrase "what have you done for me lately" just kept going through my head. Then I began to see "what have I done for you lately". Commitment is so difficult these days because we are so consumed with the "what have you done for me" attitude and not enough of the "what can I do for you" mentality. Humbleness is a thing of the past, and when you are humble it seen as a sign of weakness. But is it really weakness? No, it is purely humbleness, a likeness of Jesus.

To continue back on yesterday, this awesome sermon was then followed by the powerful testimony by my youth leaders, Frank & Sabrina Peavey, who God has blessed over and over and whom God uses to show us that we too can be blessed. I have received a blessing just watching them over the years. Followed by this testimony was a powerful (I can’t think of the word)…piece (I guess this is the best word) of a 9-year old girl praying. I had seen this before, but God specifically orchestrated the Peavey’s blessing to occur before this Edge service. It made the service even more powerful. You can’t see this video without tearing up and feeling outdone by a 9-year old. As Bro Frank said it in his sermon, I don’t know many adults to even pray like that.

So from all of this I just want to say:
  • God, you never fail to make each day better than the last. You are awesome and worthy of every single praise.
  • Pastor Pryor, your sermon was excellent. The evangelist in you began peeking through and cut right to business. I needed that more than I even realized.
  • Bro Frank and Sis Sabrina, You Go Guys! You opened up your home to be used by God’s people and God decided it was time to get you a new one (so to speak). The way I see it, this calls for another house warming. AMEN!

1 comment:

Mark Pryor said...

Powerful posting. Commitment cost but the blessing always outweighs the sacrifice.