Monday, June 05, 2006

It's Contagious

Don’t you just love Monday’s. No, it’s not because I get to end my short-lived weekend or because I just love the stress of work life, but it’s almost like another opportunity to start over. We have the opportunity to correct what might have been wrong the past week or we might simply be one step closer to that "thing" we’ve been waiting for.

At work today, there was such an excitement in the air. It all began with one person sharing in the blessings of another and so forth. Celebrations taking place for nothing of significance, but for something that was made to be exciting. A positive productive atmosphere was created from the exciting power of laughter! It’s contagious and something worth catching.

1 comment:

Mark Pryor said...

Speaking of starting over, it's good to see you back in the blogosphere.