Monday, September 22, 2008

Why do we [Adults] not think this way? Or do we?

On the way home from school, Anthony shared with me the troubles that one of his classmate is having. Knowing that my son is familiar with this, I offered him my suggestions on how to befriend and help this classmate through these hard times.

I asked Anthony how he got over his hard times. He said to me, he stopped being mean because he did not want to go to hell. He said that he felt God would not be happy with him being mean. So his brain told him to stop.

I can testify to this. He truly stopped being mean almost instantly. I get chills thinking about what he said. This came from the mouth of my 7 year old who fought his way to the top of his kindergarten class, but by the end of first grade, was given the Character Counts award. This award rewards the students who display trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship.

He earned this title of Good Character, all because Anthony knew his actions were not pleasing to God and that he must change.

1 comment:

Mark Pryor said...

Hey, great to see you blogging again.

This is a great post and truly should make each of us stop and think about how we respond to that voice. We should all be thankful for those times when our conscience preaches us a sermon and then we should heed it.

We'll never please everybody all the time, but if we can be found pleasing in the eyes of God...