Friday, July 20, 2007

Writers Block

I don’t know what to write about. Where does the time go. Why can’t I just think about something to write? What do I write about. I can’t stop because then I will stop thinking and I won’t have anything to blog. Blog? What is in a blog? Remember in the old days when we were instructed to write without picking up a pencil. Then creative thinking would come. What are we instructed to do today? Are we to write on our laptops and computers without adding spaces? Are we to write nonstop until something comes to mind? I would assume so. Writers block. What an awful thing. Actually this is kind of funny to me. I haven’t sat down to do creative writing in a long time and this is getting to be kind of fun. Fun, what is fun? How do we have fun? I certainly wouldn’t have thought about doing this for fun. But it actually is. I can’t stop asking myself questions. What do I do with this writers block? I may never shut up. What do you do when you have writers block? This is what you get from a woman who loves numbers and not words. I guess I should have paid better attention in English and grammar. I probably would have more to say. LOL. Now I can’t stop laughing while I am sitting here on my living room floor. Do you have writers block? Maybe communication block. Maybe artist block or readers block. What do you do when you are all blocked and can’t seem to get unblocked? I can tell you what to do. Just do it. LOL. See, now I had a whole lot to say. =)


bernice rios said...

What????? I have never found you at a lost for words.LOL...... Keep on thinking and bloging.

Philana Jones said...

You should have seen me when I was a little girl. I hardly ever talked. I guess some things change over time! LOL

Mark Pryor said...

LOL. I agree with Bernice, I don't think I've ever seen you at a loss for words.

Debbie Pryor said...

You quiet, never. You keep us all smiling!