Friday, July 20, 2007

Funny Story

Now that I have been unblocked, I thought it would be fun for us to create a story like we did in our elementary days. I will begin and then you can add your sentence (or two). Remember, this is a family blog. The rating is a "Christian G" not the "G" rating that would be put on shows today. Ha! Ha! Ha!

TITLE: The Island of Pentecost

Once upon a time in Pentecostal Island, there was a young man who...


bernice rios said...

decided to go for a walk around his island to see what he could find new and interesting. As he was walking something caught his eye.....

Mark Pryor said...

uh, oh...I almost fell for it...turn around and walk back out the door of this little room and leave others to write about that experience. LOL. Please let me know when the home video is out. LOL.

I might have to peek in again though because I have a feeling this one could get really funny after tomorrow. :-)

Mark Pryor said...

Whaz up? I peeked back through the door and just knew there would be all kinds of funny stuff after your day at the beach. :-)

bernice rios said...

it was something on the shore!!! He needed to get closer. As he got closer he stopped in his tracks....

Sis. Sabrina said...

what he saw froze him for a slight second, you see he had been praying for this and he was trying to focus in, for he thought it was a dream. At first he could only see that she was wearing these amzaing colots her hair flowed past her waist and it looked like she was praying, no could this be...........

Debbie Pryor said...

a mirage? Yes, it was a reflection in the sunlight -- it was a pentecostal mermaid swimming about and beckoning those to join her in the deep, blue ocean of prayer for .....

Philana Jones said...

some cottage cheese. For years she had gone without and now her prayer was to be fulfilled. For in his hands were...

bernice rios said...

two cartons of cottage cheese mixed with strawberrys. As he started toward her he suddenly lost his balance and fell flat on his face. The two cartons of cottage cheese went flying through the air. As they both watched in total amazement.....

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

tiny natives bolted from the low shrubs and jumped all around them. They scrambled to catch the strawberries before...

Anonymous said...

they all melted away. But as they opened there eyes they seen it was not strawberries but it was a giant sun flower that was running from.....

bernice rios said...

the pentecostal man who had fallen and now had got up and come to his senses. Grabed the sun flower and handed for the boat that was on the shore line. As he moved away from the shore the mermaid followed still praying for......

Philana Jones said...

...Beep! Beep! Beep! He suddenly awoke to sound of his alarm clock. It was only a dream. The mermaid, the little people, the cottage cheese and the stawberries all wilted away with the beep. He looked at the clock and realized HE WAS LATE FOR CHURCH. The End. See Ya

bernice rios said...

Every good, you have a great mind. I was kind of hoping it would end with the girl of his dreams on his arm.Sense he was only dreaming. LOL!!!!!! Thanks for the fun, lets do it again some time.

Philana Jones said...

I was debating that, but then thought, nahhh!