Saturday, June 02, 2007

The Fire of the Holy Ghost

God is amazing. His power and glory are unfathomable. His favor and mercy are unexplainable and his Love is enduring. While the Fire of His Holy Ghost sweeps over us and consumes us, He fills us with such joy and excitement. The bacteria of fear, sickness, troubled minds, financial downfalls, " " (you fill in the blank) are burned down by the fire of the Holy Ghost and replaced with "Power, and of love, and of a sound mind" (2 Timothy 1:7). It is dumbfounding to me how in such an uncontainable and uncontrollable God, we find such peace and order and love.


Mark Pryor said...

Reading this post reminds me of the old time evangelist when asked how he drew such great crowds replied, "I set myself on fire and they come to see me burn."

May we set ourselvers ablaze with the power of the Holy Ghost to the place where others are drawn to the Light out of their dark situations.

Philana Jones said...

Amen Pastor!