Saturday, March 24, 2007

Such Sweet Sorrow

I thank God for big brothers. I am quite younger than my older brothers, but they have been an important part of my life even though they were pretty much out of the house before I was walking. My oldest brother, Tony, was out here on vacation for a short while and I was reminded of how much I miss him. I credit him and my wonderful sis-in-law, Melinda, with much of how I am today. When I was younger, my brother was like this imaginary hero. I never understood what he did or where he was because he was so much older than me, but I couldn’t wait until he came home. When he finally did come home, I wouldn’t leave his side expect for when I had to go to school. As I grew older and he married, my vacations were spent in his home. His home was my home and he never told me or made me feel otherwise. He took care of me and I can’t express how loved that makes me feel.

So, you may be able to imagine a little bit of the joy I felt in seeing him after a few years. This visit reminded me of all the reasons why I love my brother and how much I have missed him. Having him for the little while has been a blessing, but I hated to see him go. I love my big brother and thank God for him. I already miss him and can’t wait until next time.

1 comment:

Alaina said...

Philana... I miss you!