Monday, May 15, 2006

Where Did God's Burden Go?

Where did God’s burden go?
Was it devoured up by the beastly appetite of lust and deceit?
Did it fall on the stony hills of rejection and defeat?
Did it wither away with the scorching rays of pride and neglect?
Or did it get blown away by a disease with a simple name called “Forget”?

Did it get cast down or put aside, and forgotten as the days went by?
Did it drown in the depths of selfishness?
Or was it lost in the pits of self-righteousness?
It can’t simply be left and expected to progress.
Because it’s life and it is required to be fed.

So as you sit, take the moment to reflect
Do you know, where did God’s burden go?

God gave us the ability to give. To give in prayer, in fasting to give when we may never receive, to give our best when we don’t want to. Fortunately, God gave us a burden. When I have a burden for someone or something, I find that my prayers are more fervent, my desire is increased and my faith strengthened. It’s the burden that magnifies my belief when we’re against all odds. It’s that burden that keeps me going when my body is weak or my mind is tired. It’s the burden that puts me on my knees in prayer when my body aches. It’s the same burden that heals the weak and mends the broken. It’s the same burden that picks me up when the day drags on. It’s the burden of a mother for her child, the child for a parent, a house for a family, a friend for a friend. It’s the same burden that brought me into church, the cleansed my soul and granted me forgiveness when I was unworthy. It’s the burden that directs souls to a loving God. It’s God’s burden living in us all and fed by prayer.

1 comment:

Mark Pryor said...

The is what keeps us walking when we feel like stopping, moving forward when we feel like going back, slapping our face to wake ourselves when we feel ourselves drifting off into the slumber of ease...and without a burden nothing great is ever accomplished in the Kingdom!